Turkish Property Price Data

In our website Turkeyexpert.com, we keep the price history of the properties for sale. We are now making this information available to our visitors on request.

In the property listing and details, price-history-icon icon indicates the price history information is available for that property. In order to avoid site scrapers we made this information available to our visitors by a simple request, you’ll see the request link on the property details (if the information is available), under the price row.

Turkish Real Estate Market Past Data

Past data of property price updates and changes can give good indications for the potential of the property. We hope that this information can be valuable guidance for your purchase of property in Turkey. We’d like to point out that some real estate properties will have a long history (a few years) with multiple price changes, which could mean either being in the market for a long time without a buyer or its back in the market for sale from its new owner.

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