Hair transplant with FUT Method

hair transplant fut
FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant)

The FUT method is also called “strip harvesting”. This method is the most affordable one within the three hair transplantation methods and it is ideal for larger bold areas. 

During the operation, a strip of hair is being removed from a donor area, which is being implanted into the graft area. Up to 3000 grafts can be transferred at one time. The operation takes, depending on the size, 4 to 8 hours. 

One to three days after the operation scabs will appear at the graft area and will start to fall off after three days. This can continue up to 10 days, until the graft area is completely scab-free. The implanted hair will start growing after that and start thicken with the time for 12 to 16 months.  

It is important to know that this method is not scar-free. The linear scars that come with the FUT method are called FUT scars. But as long as you don’t trim the hair of the donor area very short, nothing will be visible.